
There, their, or they're?

Not sure? Don't worry, you can be confident in the accuracy of your next English document with the help of Katus Proofreading. 

Great concepts mean little if communicated ineffectively. Katus helps ensure that your next English manuscript is clear and correct with our professional proofreading and editing services.

Academic assist

Academics rejoice, we have years of experience working on articles, theses, and project proposals in fields like engineering and mathematics. Whatever your area, we've got you covered.

Grammar check

Let’s face it, grammar can be tricky. Leaving out a comma or forgetting an apostrophe can drastically change the meaning of your sentence.

Relax, we’ll make sure your punctuation is correct, your word choice is accurate, and your sentences make sense.

Big or small

 We know size doesn't matter, even a short email can be important. Then again, maybe you're getting ready to submit your 100+ page thesis.  Regardless of the length, rest easy knowing it's correct!


Time crunch?

Need your document back quickly, or do you have time to burn? We have several options for turnaround time.


Talk to me!

After your document has been corrected, schedule a call to discuss changes or any questions you might have. We work with you until the final version of the document meets your satisfaction.


In Munich or Hamburg?

Ask us about in-person consultation sessions to improve your writing skills. Go in-depth into your writing projects, maybe soon you won’t need us.


It's your text and it should sound like it. Learn more about how we work with you to help you say exactly what you mean.

What our clients have to say...

"Katus Language not only corrected, but significantly improved my articles and research proposals in terms of phrasing and style. Unlike other proofreading services, Katus Language is not a blackbox that you feed with text. They interactively collaborate with you and explain the modifications of the texts."

- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benedikt Kriegesmann, Technische Universität Hamburg

"Anna unterstützte uns bei der Übersetzung unserer Unternehmens-Website. Es stimmte alles: Fachvokabular, Sprachstil, schnelle Umsetzung. Absolut empfehlenswert!”

- Sabine Honigmann, communications director, HOLBORN Europa Raffinerie GmbH

"Anna didn’t just correct the grammar and punctuation, she also worked with me to develop a more sophisticated style while still retaining my voice. Her assistance didn’t end when she gave me the corrected manuscript back either. She continued to meet with me to fine-tune phrasing and word choice until we were both satisfied with text.”

- Dr. -Ing. Aleksander-Saša Milaković, Techniche Universität Hamburg

A word from our founder.

"As an immigrant, I know from experience how daunting it can be to have to write a polished text in a foreign language. It is my goal to give all my clients peace of mind when they write in English. I want them to be able to relax and to know that at the end of the day they have a text that is correct and keeps the writer's unique voice and perspective."

- Anna Katz, founder and director of Katus Language Training & Services


Relax, confidence is around the corner. Call or click for peace of mind.

Contact Katus today to get a free quote.